Course Offerings
Gibraltar School District offers online courses that are open to ALL of our students. If you are interested in an online or extended learning opportunity for your child, please look over the course offerings below and contact your school administrator for more information.
When considering an online education, parents should carefully consider the unique qualities of their child. In order to be successful, virtual students should be able to:
Apply themselves to their studies in a focused and serious manner
Work independently and self-motivate
Work hard and become engaged in their lessons and activities
Improve areas of personal weakness while capitalizing on personal strengths
Maintain an active study regimen and stay on top of all assignment deadlines
Recognize when assistance is needed and seek that assistance in a timely manner
Establish a strong communication line with instructors and mentor
Be goal oriented and have a desire to learn and succeed
Be self-disciplined in regards to study habits
Frequently get support from their parent and/or learning coach
Manage time effectively
Navigate on the computer
Proficiently read and write
If you are interested in online learning for your child, please call Lakeshore Virtual School for additional information: (734) 379-7090.