Carlson High School
30550 West Jefferson Ave.
Gibraltar, MI 48173
Phone: 734-379-7100
Fax: 734-379-7103
Mrs. Jessica Shultz, Principal
Mrs. Jennifer Butkin, Main Office Secretary
Mr. Matt Moll, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Karen Maina, Attendance Office Secretary
Carlson Office Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Mr. Daniel Kalbfleisch, Athletic Director/Assistant Principal
Mrs. Brenda Greear, Athletic Office Secretary
Athletics Office Hours: 10:15 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Full Day Bell Schedule
First Hour: 7:40 - 8:35
Second Hour with Advisory: 8:40 - 10:05
Third Hour: 10:10 - 11:05 (With CTV News)
Fourth Hour: 11:10 - 12:30
A lunch: 11:15 - 11:34
B lunch: 11:35 - 12:02
C lunch: 12:06 - 12:30
Fifth Hour: 12:35 - 1:30
Sixth Hour: 1:35 - 2:30
Half Day Schedule
First Hour: 7:40 - 8:07
Second Hour: 8:12 - 8:39
Third Hour: 8:44 - 9:11
Fourth Hour: 9:16 - 9:43
Fifth Hour: 9:48 - 10:15
Sixth Hour: 10:20 - 10:50
Mission Statement
Our mission is to foster pride...
in learning,
in our students,
in our school and community.