Post HS Planning
Applying to College
The college application process can be very overwhelming. We encourage all students to make an appointment with their counselor to individually discuss their college applications.
When applying to college, submit transcripts electronically through Docufide.
Applying On-line: Be sure to print the Counselor's Page displayed when you submit an application on-line. The Counselor's Page is to be given to your counselor for him/her to fill out and send to the appropriate college with a transcript.
College Visits
Juniors and seniors have the opportunity to visit with up to 3 college representatives in the Fall of each year. Announcements are made and flyers are displayed in English classes to notify students of when these visits will occur.
Questions for College Representatives
College Searches
Michigan Colleges
Michigan Colleges and Universities
Michigan Community College Association
Michigan Transfer Network
Choosing a College
You should choose a college based on criteria that are important to you. When creating an educational plan and choosing a college, you and your parents should think about your future, and how college will help you prepare for life after college.
Going to college is a big investment. Here are some ways to help you choose the right school:
Attend College Visits. Your high school counselor coordinates student meetings with college representatives every year. In your junior and senior years, be sure to attend at least a few College Visits to talk to representatives from colleges you may want to attend.
Talk to the high school counselor. Your high school counselor is the first stop for information about college options. The counselor can help you focus on your needs and goals and has information about different types of schools.
Visit a variety of schools. Schedule visits for you and your parent, preferably while classes are being taught. Get a feel for each school; make sure you and your child are comfortable with the facilities, the equipment, the teachers, and the students.
Do not be afraid to ask. A good school will happily answer your questions about its programs. Be sure to ask the school about life after college for its students: How many graduate? How many get jobs because of the training they received? What kind of job placement services does the school offer students and graduates?
Check the cost. Make sure the school gives you a clear statement of its tuition and fees. Remember that any federal financial aid you get will be applied first to paying the school’s tuition and fees. If there is any money left over, the school may or may not allow you to use the remainder to help your child pay for expenses such as food and housing.
College Information
Types of Colleges...
Four-year colleges and universities offer the widest variety of class subjects and levels, from art to zoology, from introductory to advanced courses. They also offer the widest variety of degrees. Tuition at public four-year colleges and universities is less than tuition at private four-year colleges and universities. If your child wants to attend college outside of the state in which you live, tuition at a public four-year college or university will be higher than if your child attended a public college or university within your state.
Community colleges offer three basic kinds of degrees and certificates: academic transfer degrees, professional-technical degrees, and certificates of achievement. The academic transfer degree allows your child to complete the first 90 college credits at a community college and then transfer into a four-year college or university at the junior level. The professional-technical degree prepares your child directly for work. The certificate program provides skills for entry into the job market or advancement within a career. Tuition at a community college is less than tuition at a four-year college or university; therefore, attending a community college for two years and transferring to a four-year college or university is one way to save on the cost of college if your child decides to earn a bachelor’s degree or a higher degree.
Technical colleges offer two-year degrees and shorter-term certificates in technical programs. Tuition at technical colleges is comparable to tuition at community colleges.
Private career colleges offer specialized, degree or certificate-granting programs. Tuition varies depending on the school and the program, but many programs take less than two years to complete.
Important factors to keep in mind when choosing a college...
In-State or Out-of-State. In-state tuition is less expensive than out-of-state. Do colleges within your state offer the degree, activities, and other criteria you and your child are looking for?
Public or Private? Public schools generally have less restrictive admission requirements and cost less than private schools. Publicly funded state schools are generally more accessible than private schools. Private schools, however, often offer smaller class sizes and more personalized education.
School Size and Class Sizes. At large universities, your child may be in classes that range from 25-500 students. At small colleges, classes usually range from five to 100 people.
Student Activities. You and your child should determine if the colleges and universities you are considering offer activities with which your child would like to get involved.
Location. Is the college located in a rural community, a small town, or a city? This can be an important consideration when it comes to housing, transportation, and access to off-campus activities.
Atmosphere and Physical Surroundings. Each school has its own atmosphere, which includes the interests and attitudes of the students as well as the physical environment. It may be politically vibrant. It may center on school spirit and tradition, especially around athletics. Collectively decide what atmosphere is best for your child. Visit colleges if possible.
Housing Options. Is it important to you and your child that on-campus housing be available? If your child wishes to live off-campus, will transportation to and from school be accessible and safe?
For more information...
Locate and visit your state’s Career Resource Network Office by visiting: and clicking on “Network.”
Visit the College is Possible web site at: for a list of web sites, books, and brochures that can help with the college search. From the College is Possible homepage, click on “Choosing the Right College” and then “Best Sites and Books.”
* This information is provided by America’s Career Resource Network (ACRN).