Chapman Elementary School
31500 Olmstead Rd.
Rockwood, Michigan 48173
Phone: (734) 379-6380
Fax: (734) 441-3188
Mrs. Adrianna Soranno, Principal
Mrs. Dawn Locke, Administrative Assistant
Our School Hours:
Full Day: 8:38AM - 3:33 PM
Half Day: 8:38AM - 11:55 AM
Office Hours: 8:00AM - 4:00 PM
Mission Statement
The mission of Chapman Elementary School is to instill the desire for life long learning by creating a safe and nurturing environment where all students learn daily through a variety of educational strategies based upon best practices.
Background Information
Chapman Elementary is a Kindergarten through Fifth grade school located in Rockwood, Michigan and is part of the Gibraltar School District.
Chapman Elementary School prides itself on developing strong relationships with all students and their families. Each day, our Chapman staff works to provide a positive learning environment of respect, responsibility, safety, and lifelong learning. Chapman students enjoy the many opportunities they have to learn inside and outside of the classroom. We take pride in our community environment and embrace a strong partnership with our families, who are very active and supportive in a variety of ways. We are so proud of our students, families, and staff. It’s always a great day to be a Chapman Charger!
Chapman School opened with its first principal, Thelma Hawn Fredericks, in 1960. Chapman School was named after Rockwood's first bank manager for Peoples Bank, Melvin Chapman. In 1975, a media center and 8 classrooms were added to the original building. Another renovation occurred where one classroom and a custodian's storage space were added. Then, in 1999, an outdoor classroom was added where children can experience hands on activities such as measuring, graphing, planting, observing animals in their natural habitat, and calculating weather.

Arrival and Dismissal
Adults may park in the parking lot and walk their child up to the building at 8:33 am, or may utilize the drop off loop. All grade levels have designated entrance doors staffed with adult greeters until 8:43 am. If your child arrives after 8:43 am, they must enter through the main doors only. At dismissal, please park in the parking lot and wait by your child’s exit door at their designated dismissal time.
If you need to pick your child up early from school, please call the office (734-379-6380) when you are in the parking lot. Mrs. Locke or a designee will walk your child out the front door to meet you. Please be prepared to show ID at that time, too.
School Closures
In the event of a school closing, please tune radio to local stations (WJR AM 760 or WWJ AM 950), or to the local television station Channel 4 or Channel 7. Click here to check out road conditions in Michigan compliments of AAA Traffic . You may also check local weather and school closings at WXYZ.COM.