Our Watch DOGS are amazing in many ways. Today, we found out they are even expert skipping coaches, lol! Way to be Mr. Lafferty! #SuperStar #HunterWatchDOGS #HunterHornets #InMarauderCountry
almost 2 years ago, Hunter Elementary
watchdog and kids
National Youth Motivational Speaker and children's book author - Jim "Basketball' Jones visited our school today! His assembly, with a particular emphasis on kindness, helps build a sense of school community.
almost 2 years ago, Hunter Elementary
basketball Jim Jones assembly
basketball Jim Jones assembly
basketball Jim Jones assembly
basketball Jim Jones assembly
basketball Jim Jones assembly
basketball Jim Jones assembly
basketball Jim Jones assembly
basketball Jim Jones assembly
basketball Jim Jones assembly
basketball Jim Jones assembly
Gibraltar School District brought together student leaders and student council members from all seven schools for a district-wide student leadership meeting today at Carlson High School. This event provided an opportunity for students to learn from one another, share ideas, and bring new ideas back to their school.
almost 2 years ago, Hunter Elementary
students at gsd leadership event
students at gsd leadership event
students at gsd leadership event
students at gsd leadership event
students at gsd leadership event
students at gsd leadership event
On this busy and fun Friday, we sure were glad to have Mr. Anderson back as one of our top Watch DOGS! #HunterWatchDOGS #HunterHornets #InMarauderCountry
almost 2 years ago, Hunter Elementary
First grade hosted their annual Muffins in the Morning today. This year they invited one special guest to share in a morning of gifts, conversation, and of course, muffins! 😋
almost 2 years ago, Hunter Elementary
muffins with someone special event
muffins with someone special event
muffins with someone special event
muffins with someone special event
muffins with someone special event
muffins with someone special event
muffins with someone special event
muffins with someone special event
muffins with someone special event
muffins with someone special event
Thank you to our Hunter Family School Association for setting up a build your own bouquet table.💐Also, thank you to Mrs. Conway, our superintendent, and the GSD Food Service for providing lunch! 💙 #HunterHornets #InMarauderCountry
almost 2 years ago, Hunter Elementary
make your own flower bouquet table
sandwiches for staff lunch
Good thing calories don't count this week, right?! 😂 It has been another amazing day of our Hunter staff being showered with love! 💚💛 Thank you to.... - Gibraltar Road Nutrition for the tea drop for our staff! 🥤 - HFSA for the candy and supplies bar! - the Zavalney family for the pizza lunch! 🍕 - our very own kitchen staff for cookies and cupcakes! 🍪 - the Weatherhead family for the gourmet dessert bar! Tony Cannoli and S&J Bakery, yum!! 🧁
almost 2 years ago, Hunter Elementary
snack and supply bar for teacher appreciation week
dessert bar for teacher appreciation week
pizza lunch for teacher appreciation week
pizza lunch for teacher appreciation week
teas from Gibraltar nutrition
teas from Gibraltar nutrition
Wow! Our Hunter staff is so thankful for another amazing day of Teacher Appreciation Week! 💚 Donut drop off this morning from the Gratowski Family! 🍩 We had an amazing 3rd grade parent made the amazing charcuterie cups (all cups decorated with words of affirmation) and also sponsored the Jimmy John lunch yesterday! An extra huge thank you to that mom for making those as they were so much fun! Also, a pretzel bar thanks to our HFSA! 🥨 Last, but not least, a lunch catered in by the McFadden family! 🌮
almost 2 years ago, Shannon Theobald
charcuterie cups for teacher appreciation week
pretzel bar for teacher appreciation week
Mexican catered lunch for teacher appreciation week
In 4th grade, we learn about energy conversions and types of circuits. The Egg Drop was a great way to challenge our 4th graders to use their new knowledge to figure out a way to problem solve how the potential energy from the egg transferring into kinetic energy after an outside force (or gravity) is put on the egg. Can they balance the energy and save their egg??? Bum, Bum, Buuuummm!!! 🥚 🪂
almost 2 years ago, Shannon Theobald
student holding egg
student holding egg
student holding egg
student holding smashed egg
student holding egg
student holding egg
Mrs. Mullins on the school roof for the egg drop
egg drop at school
Mrs. Mullins on the school roof for egg drop
Students collecting eggs that were thrown off the school roof
Check out our latest spirit wear promotion! www.hunterspiritwear.com
almost 2 years ago, Shannon Theobald
Mother's Day Sale 15% off Select Women's Items May 5th-15th Code:MOM15
WOW! What an awesome turn out Hunter Elementary had for our spring season of Healthy Kids Club! 165 participants and a whopping 850 miles totaled by the group! Way to go!
almost 2 years ago, GSD
Healthy Kids Club at Hunter Elementary School Gibraltar School District
Healthy Kids Club at Hunter Elementary School Gibraltar School District
Healthy Kids Club at Hunter Elementary School Gibraltar School District
Healthy Kids Club at Hunter Elementary School Gibraltar School District
Healthy Kids Club at Hunter Elementary School Gibraltar School District