We enjoyed an exciting literacy extravaganza at Chapman Elementary all through the month of March with "Peace - Love - Books!" March is Reading Month excitement kicked off building-wide with an assembly that set the stage for a month-long celebration of reading. Hosted by Mrs. Fabrizio and Mrs. Hickey, students dived into a specially crafted reading calendar with promises of book prizes for students upon completing specific daily reading activities. Every week, students brace themselves for the mysterious Masked Reader, where our school staff disguises themselves while reading enchanting tales, keeping students on the edge of their seats and wondering who the mystery reader could possibly be?! Last, our PTO hosted a thrilling Bingo for Books event, where the luckiest readers and bingo players scored new books to read at home! We hope to continue to foster a love of literacy in our students at Chapman!

Chapman Celebrates March is Reading Month!
April 25, 2024