These respectful, responsible, and safe Chargers enjoyed gardening in the courtyard today with 2 amazing teachers!

Charge Up Crew end of year party! Thank you for CHARGING UP CHAPMAN with your positivity and leadership! ⚡️

3rd grade geometry city project! They even made Ms. Masland's yellow car at a Target! 😂

Chapman's Kindness Certificate winners! Thank you for showing kindness all year! Yay! 🎉

Please join us for a night of fun on Friday, June 9th. The Chapman Carnival event is FREE FOR ALL, except for food and raffles. We hope this event will bring all of us together to kick off summer!

Congratulations to the Class of 2023! We love seeing our former Chapman Chargers.

Fifth Grade Families,
We are excited to celebrate the end of their journey at Chapman! Please meet us at Rev'd Up Fun if you would like to join us. As a reminder, all students must have the online waiver filled out in order to attend: go to https://revdupfun.com/ and click "sign waiver."

Parents, join us as we clap out our 5th graders on the last day of school! As a reminder, this is also a half day of school!

Shiver me timbers, Chapman has been taken over by pirates! No worries there matey, it's just fourth grade having some fun as they celebrate the completion of their Treasure Island unit.

Chapman Elementary is collecting boxes of cereal through May 31st. Please drop off your donations in the boxes near the office.

Don't worry, Chargers! Our 4th graders can handle the 5th grade duties while they're gone!

Our 5th graders are off to Camp Michindoh this morning! Have sooo much fun!

In Ms. Banas' class, we can do this! We believe in ourselves! We are enough!

Love seeing our students LEARN and PLAY! #ChapmanChargers

Ms. Hunter's class and our 2nd graders enjoyed a field trip to the zoo today!

Today, a few members of our Charge Up Crew student leadership team attended our first annual GSD All-District Student Council meeting! Students from all 7 schools were able to learn from one another and share ideas on how they support their school!

Flashlight Friday in Fourth to reinforce Fact Fluency!

Math talks in Kindergarten! Look at those equations, math mountains, tens frames! So much great mathematical conversations and thinking going on!

Chapman Cares Cereal Drive continues! Please see the flyer below for more info! Donation boxes will be placed right outside of the office in the main hallway. Thank you to those who have already donated!

Q and U are stuck like glue! This past week, first graders had a blast at the wedding ceremony and reception of Miss Q and Mr. U!