Frank E. Weiss Elementary School
26631 Reaume St.
Woodhaven, Michigan 48183
Phone: (734) 379-7060
Fax: (734) 441-0088
Mr. Derek Bezeau, Principal
Mrs. Leslie Hunter, Secretary
Our School Hours:
Full Day: 8:48AM-3:43PM
Half Day: 8:48AM-12:00PM
Office Hours: 8:15AM-4:15PM
Vision Statement
All children will be school and life successful.
Mission Statement
W elcoming, E ngaging, I nspiring, S upporting, S uccessful
Beliefs Statement
We believe that all students will leave our District as:
Responsible and Caring Participants
Literate and Self-Directed Learners
Self-Actualizing Individuals
Quality Producers and
Informed and Contributing Citizens