School Hours, Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Our school hours for Weiss Elementary are from 8:48 AM to 3:43 PM and the half-day time will be from 8:48am to 12:05pm. Students are allowed to begin entering the school at 8:38 AM. You will know it is time for students to start entering the building when a Weiss staff member is holding the front door open and greeting them.
Upon arrival at the Weiss campus, families are requested to use the drive-up loop in front of the building. Parents are to remain in their vehicles while students exit. Students can enter the building through the main entrance at 8:38. Students will be dismissed from the hallway to go to their classrooms at 8:43. All student will come in through the main doors during arrival. This is a slight change from previous years where some students entered through the classroom exterior doors. Staff will be available both outside and inside the school to guide students to their classrooms if needed.
A child who arrives to their classroom at 8:55 or later will be marked tardy. All families that arrive after 8:55 should walk their child into the school and sign them in at the office. This helps maintain the flow of morning routines within the classrooms.
When using the drop-off loop, we kindly ask that you pull as far forward as possible. Typically, at least three staff members will be outside, guiding cars to utilize as much sidewalk space as possible. This approach ensures an efficient and secure drop-off process for everyone involved. When you reach the sidewalk, please remain in your vehicle while ensuring your child exits promptly.
We understand that there might be occasions when family members need to step out of the vehicle to assist their child for various reasons. In such cases, families are welcome to park in our parking lot, use the designated crosswalk near the main entrance, and accompany their children to the main doors. If you choose this option, please remain in the drop-off line until you can safely turn left into the parking lot. Do not attempt to bypass the cars in the drop-off line, as this could pose a hazard to oncoming traffic. Your cooperation is essential in maintaining a smooth and secure morning routine.
At the end of the school day, students will exit from their classroom exterior doors.
To ensure the safety of our students and the surrounding community, here are a few important safety guidelines to follow during dismissal:
• When leaving our school parking lot, please make sure to stop at the STOP sign at the end of our Weiss drive before turning onto Reaume. This is especially important when families that live on Reaume are driving past our drive and other families are pulling out.
•Please do not block driveways on Reaume Street while waiting for the car line to move.
• Please stay in our dismissal line at all times and do not pass any cars in the line until you can safely turn into the main parking. This is for the safety of all families and helps to prevent dangerous situations.
• To ensure the safety of our students, we ask that students exit and enter through the passenger side door when using our drop-off loop.
• If you are parking and walking up to the building to get your child, please arrive in our parking lot by 3:30 to avoid being in the car line. Additionally, please make sure to use the crosswalk going to and from the building and parking lot. Walking in between cars in our car line creates safety concerns and inhibits the smooth flow of traffic.
• As we continue to familiarize ourselves with all our wonderful families, we kindly request that you place a sign featuring your child's name, their teacher's name, and grade level on the passenger side window. This simple step will greatly assist us in promptly identifying families during dismissal. As we navigate the beginning of a new year, we understand that there may be some initial hiccups in these procedures and timeframes. However, by collaborating together, I am confident that we will refine this into a secure and highly efficient process. Your support is greatly appreciated on this journey!
We appreciate your cooperation in following these guidelines to ensure the safety of our school community and the local community. Thank you for your continued support!